Bicycle Jones Store Front

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Got the keys!

Ok we are on our way now!  I got the keys to the shop yesterday, and actually set foot inside this space I've agreed to pay $6k/month to occupy for the next 5 years.  Those of you that are local keep an eye out for the "Coming Soon - Bicycle Jones" banner in the window.

I got the first round of sketches from the architect and we are definitely coming up with some great ideas.  There is still a good chance we can make the July 3rd opening date!

Notice the new logo, working on selecting colors today and will also be getting the web site up and running - check back to hear that has gone live.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Great Wait

We made it through the 64 page lease...mostly because I conceded not to hold the Landlord liable for absolutely anything.  I was supposed to sign the lease an hour agp, so that it can be sent to the owner for him to sign.  Once we've both signed the Property Manager will then give me the keys to the shop so we can get this party started.  Alas, here I sit, at Starbucks killing time, waiting for them to meet the final condition for signing.  We need the blueprints...

Without the blueprints, I can't sign the lease, the architect can't start the design, the plans can't be submitted to the City to begin the 6 week approval process, we can't start building out the space, we can't start promoting the line of bikes we're selling and we can't start working with vendors. And most of all, the hope that the build out will be completed and we will be ready to open on July 3rd, also the first day of the Tour de France, is slipping further and further away. On the flip side, the longer it takes to get the lease executed, the longer I put off having to pay rent.  Soooo...I guess there's a bright side to the wait.